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Building Trust in Partnerships

"If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else."– Booker T. Washington

The word partnership gets tossed around a lot.  Almost every company that sells a product or service to another will claim a partnership when the relationship is merely transactional.

A true partnership involves open communication, accessibility,  and collaboration as the parties work towards a common goal, more importantly, it's about engendering trust, a guiding principle upon which Gradient was founded.

Dave Goldie, Gradient's Vice President of Channel, has spent many years building relationships,  inspiring others to strive to be better, and leading by example. He has a unique ability to touch the heart as well as the mind. 

In this video, Goldie talks about what truly motivates him and what he is working to achieve here at Gradient.



If you would like to learn more about Gradient and its commitment to partnering with MSPs and Vendors to make the IT Channel a better place, stop by and check us out.

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