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Gradient monthly recap: May 2024

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Gradient monthly recap: May 2024

This month has been truly exciting for us at Gradient! With the continuous evolution of StackTracker™ since its launch, we have a lot to share. Here's a recap of everything you need to know:

New PSA integrations


With the new integrations of Halo PSA, Kaseya BMS, Pulseway, and Syncro, StackTracker™ is now able to provide even more MSPs with real-time access to their data, helping them elevate their business to new heights. If you're eager to fine-tune your profits and drive growth, simply click to schedule a meeting and discover more.

New RMM & Distributors integrations



We strive to keep you updated on the constant stream of new integrations coming your way! With over 70 native integrations already available and many more in the works, our commitment to seamless connectivity and maximizing the power of StackTracker™ and Synthesize™ remains unwavering. Our ultimate goal is to empower MSPs with in-depth insights into their tech ecosystem, driving profitability and propelling business growth forward.



Introducing QuickCharts, the innovative data visualization tool within StackTracker™. Bid farewell to static dashboards and rigid templates as QuickCharts allows you to customize, filter, and organize your data to create instant graphs and charts. Visualize your data in a way that resonates with you and your MSP, revolutionizing how you analyze and interpret information.



The Gradient Advantage

Gradient MSP's StackTracker™ is powered by a comprehensive integration catalogue, AI-driven analysis, and trend tracking - StackTracker is the ultimate solution for growth-focused MSPs.

  • Real-time Client & Vendor insights: Access up-to-date information on client usage, vendor spend, earnings, and more.
  • Identify Gaps & Opportunities: Track and identify gaps in stack adoption to optimize client fulfillment as a growth lever.
  • Business Tuning Recommendations: Leverage AI-driven analysis and recommendations based on performance trending to drive profitable growth.

Check in with our Demo Team to see how you can go from unsure to unstoppable!


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